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If you’re still reading though, then we might have something in common.

  You apparently are like me, just reading on, despite the glaring instructions on the top of this page.

Let’s face it..  This reverse psychology has been pushed on us for quite some time.  Why else would we be offered to buy sports cars without any Autobahn to use them on?  Why do it safely when you could be told not to – and then you get a speeding ticket, because that was what your car was designed to do.

  Well, all of this is kind of obvious for some, and we could go on and on with this type of topic, just to convince some critics.  Let’s take it to another level though.  How about in the area of motivation – has that question ever arisen?  I know I have been there, just wondering how in the heck I was going to motivate myself on a particular day and manage to do something creative.  

I found myself there even more when I got writer’s block, and believe me, it was a hard situation to resolve.  Around the time of my latest book, I kind of re-discovered a little demotivational collection hobby I had a while back, which turned out to be the key to a lot of writing difficulties I was having.  Here it is in the nutshell…  It’s called Demotivation, with a capital D.  

It’s the exact opposite of motivation, and to be truthful, it’s so very awesome – well maybe not for all.  You just have to have the taste for it, otherwise it’s like eating My favorite ice-cream with me, while thinking the whole time of how much you hate it.  So the concept sounds kind of awesome?  You bet it does, so let’s check out the video to learn a few things from an expert.

Home Of Demotivators

  There’s physics in all of this, believe it or not.  In my case, it’s like I’m an overinflated basketball in an inert state.  The demotivation is the slap downwards, towards the ground, which sends me right back up and even higher than I was before. 

The reality of it is, you really can’t appreciate the good things in life, until you have a good look at the more ironically negative stuff.  That’s the key to all of this. 

  You have to get that slap downwards to be able to bounce back up, and higher than others are able to go.  Not convinced?  I wrote a 1,326 page Multi-Option Sci-Fi novel, and published it in 2017; how about that?  It took me a long while, and had some very hard moments; not including the common Writer’s Block stuff.  Getting some Demotivating was key, since it let me see that things could be much, much worse.

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  Can anyone tell me just why reverse psychology isn’t awesome?  Apart from making you smile, probably because you know it’s true, it makes you re-analyze your life in a thousand ways.  In my case, it makes me see that I’ve been really fortunate.

  The idea comes to mind, after some self analysis, of how I can change in order to avoid problems and mishaps.  It’s kind of obvious then that demotivation is vastly superior to the common, everyday motivational posters.  It’s a constant reminder that we need to keep getting better, or end up in the glare of the someone like the guy, in the picture.  More than likely he doesn’t care if you have a job or not, so that’s motivation enough I think.

  Want to meet some awesome people?  Discover the incredible quotes and concepts over in  And if you’re like me and need the power of demotivation to bounce your day back up like an over-inflated basketball, then I definitely recommend this place.


Now it’s time to get up and start studying something, before robots start assembling cars.  Oh wait..  They can already do that.