Author Spotlight
About The Author Of Realms Of Forgotten Worlds
Well, I’ve been into Sci-Fi since I could crawl. My ealiest memories were of Buck Rogers, so yes, I am still a fan of Buck Rogers, and Battlestar Galatica as well. My favorite writer is Isaac Asimov, which might not surprise some.
I was into writing around the age of 12 and actually attempted a couple of stories. That unfortunately didn’t go too far, and all of my notes got lost, but the ideas lived on. One big obstacle that I clearly remember was the difficulty I had getting a good ending, which is a very common problem in general with other writers, I later learned. From that though came the idea of Multi-Option reading, or better known as Game Books. Apart from being fun to read, they proved to be the challenge I had been looking for. I never imagined how big a map could be though, just to read a GameBook. I won’t lie… making my first Multi-Option map turned out to be a huge challenge.
On a more personal note.. Well, I’m older than I used to be, and currently more focused on projects like this one. I love Gaming as well and have found it to be an excellent way to be social again, and to let people know about projects, like this one. I really like dogs and all kinds of other animals, and of course incredibly complex Multi-Option Science Fiction stories as well. Anything to do with diving an cave exploration is right up my alley. I always dreamed of being a Technical Diver, but for some reason it has never happened.
I haven’t been able to make friends with people in the Editorial or Book Publishing business for some reason, which would sound really ironic, but it’s probably because they’re too busy with more important people.
This could be a really good idea for another book.. lol
Forgetting about those darned Editorials for a moment.. I actually had some personal accomplishments during the creation of Realms Of Forgotten Worlds, which were totally unplanned bonuses. The idea to go 3D with the story came a bit later, and led me to discover Unity 3D, and many other programs that turned out to be essential.
This program turned out to be a Game Changer – literally. It not only opened up the possibilty of Realms being 3D, but also made the Gaming Experience possible as well. Ironically, it didn’t transform the story at all, but just amplified it. I won’t even mention what coding is like, but apparently I got through it. This is the solution in my opinion, to the decline of readers today. Reading can now be a Game – that should be great news to any parent.
WordPress is kind of obvious since this site was developed by me. lol This is my 10th attempt I think at creating a good website – I should be getting a little better.
Sincerely, I don’t know what I would have done without Mindjet. Without it I would have had a much harder time creating the maps for Realms and organizing my ideas. So thanks Mindjet for a great program.
Plus a few dozen more…
If it isn’t apparent by now, I am an independent writer. It really does sound like a super glorious term, but I assure you, it has been a monstrous challenge living up to. For all of you who have purchased Realms, I thank you all – again. I promise not to be just another ambitious writer who ignores fans, but for those who already know me, it’s obvious I’m not like that anyways. On that note… feel free to send me your ideas for future book projects that you would like to see. And of course, for new sci-fi writers, I’m more than happy to help with any questions you might have. o/
Albert Taylor
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