Some Trendy News & Motivational Stuff…

Just the thing for just about any writer out there, looking for some source of motivation. 

You can thank me later…

Find Real Motivation Through Reverse Psychology

Want to meet some awesome people?  Discover the incredible quotes and concepts over at  So if you’re like me and need the power of Demotivation to bounce you back up in your day, like an over-inflated basketball, then I definitely recommend this place.


For writers like me..  this is just the thing to get projects off of the ground.  Still having doubts?  Well, have you ever wondered why common Motivational Posters never work?  The reason is really simple.  Sometimes we have to analyze the ironic downside of life, in order to be able to appreciate the positive stuff.

Wouldn’t this make you get off of your backside to start studying, or something?  Well it worked for me..  lol

I’ve been a fan of for many years, so believe me, it doesn’t get any better than this.

This poster is one of my favorites by far..  lol  It just so happens that my name is Albert!  And that graph looks like my book sales..!  It’s hilarious.  I can so very much relate to this situation, in so many ways.

If you haven’t been here before, you have to visit now.  I would make this required reading material for any of my students who wanted to become a Sci-Fi writer.  Pretty much all the psychological concepts for twists and turns in a story can be found right here, in one website.  It’s amazing.

Writer’s Block

And Gaming

How In The Heck Do They Come Together?

Every writer knows what this is…

It’s called Writer’s Block, and it’s a real pain in the Backside.  There’s a few common tricks though, plus some that I’ve personally tested.

Let’s talk about how Gaming is related to a writing project, though you’re probably already thinking that Gaming is a super waste of a writer’s time.  But how much time does a writer usually have of unproductivity, even without Writer’s Block?  The loss could be almost equal, but could it be possible for writing quality to be improved, right after your brain gets through Gaming?  Check out some supporting articles at the end of this page.

Anyways, there’s some real science behind this theoretical cure to Writer’s Block.  So what was my solution?  It’s Tried and Tested so I can say for sure – 100% that it does make things easier; at least for me.

First of all, just to make things clear, I’m not getting anything from advertising this game…  Just to get that out of the way.

Now then, after that legal disclaimer..  lol.  I am a Sci-Fi writer by the way, so the most logical thing would be for me to look for the best Sci-Fi game out there, to give my brain a small distraction.  I did manage, in 2019 – a little late but I did run across an advertisment and went to check it out.  That was something strange because I’m not a fan of online games at all.  I’m more of a fan of Command And Conquer and Fallout, where I play offline and no one ever bothers me.  So this was a strange change of events.

So what happened?  Well it was all this book publicity stuff that actually got me communicating with other human beings.  It sounds funny, but it’s true.  I’m the kind of person who needs Zero human contact for a very prolonged period of time – I’m talking weeks if not months.  This behavior is favorable for writing a book, but unfortunately it isn’t for publicity – not in the least bit.  I found this out the hard way and have the Epic of Epic Fails Award in Social Media to prove it.  Haha  Now that’s funny…  With all of the world addicted to Social Media, I suppose I might be that 1% that is not even interested in it.  Well I have to use it now, which is not all that funny.


So how does all this tie into Eve Online?  Ironically it has gotten me to be much more social.  Oh yeah, even with Canadians!  I had a hard time with Canadians in my last job, but now I have some really good Canadian friends, all thanks to this new approach.  Canadians are great individuals –  I guess it was just their oilfield counterparts that I couldn’t get along with.  🙂  Well thanks to this game, I got to kill that stereotype.

The above icon is my Corporation in Eve Online.  There are nationalities from all over the world in this team, which I know has helped me with my previous social obstacles.  I would recommend this game and Corp. for any writer who has been having problems with Writer’s Block, and even for fans of Realms Of Forgotten Worlds.  Since I’m such of an Epic fail at Social Media, I have been greatly relieved that this has in fact worked on two fronts.  I have been able to continue other book projects without delays, and I have been able to be social as well.  A Win / Win situation.

This game is not free, though it can be played on a limited Demo account.  The price would be one reason I wouldn’t give it a 5 star recommendation, since it isn’t that accessable.  I’ll give it 4 stars though, since the Galaxy where we play is huge, and there are numerous career paths to choose from, so it’s hard to get bored.  Another reason for that missing star is because Eve Online has been pretty hard on miners, and has been promoting Player VS Player instead (PVP).  I am a miner in the game, so I have been impacted pretty hard.  That’s another story though for another day, and a possible game review blog later on.

My In-Game Username:  Albert77W

Conspiracy Theories…

There always has to be some…

The look you get when you see a good idea on Youtube and immediately want to make a movie about it..  

Oh wow..

Did you know that Netflix presented the idea of Multi-Option on 28 December 2018 and made it sound like it was something new, with their intro of Black Mirror (Bandersnatch).  In reality multi-option stories are nothing new, and a lawsuit filed by Chooseco over the film’s use of the term “choose-your-own-adventure” is in progress.  But this is the huge company of Netflix right?  They’re probably not worried at all.   

So all of a sudden the idea of Multi-Option is cool right? Trendy might be the right word..  lol.  Realms Of Forgotten Worlds was published on 13 July 2017 and immediately starting making videos about the whole idea on YouTube.  See any coincidence yet?  Hmm..  Maybe.  Perhaps Netflix suspected that Multi-Option material existed before they did, but seeing more publicity directed to GameBooks just might have alerted them to a brave new frontier of entertainment, that hadn’t seen a complete 3D transformation, until now.

So, is the fact that Netflix is getting into the Multi-Option industry so bad?  Me as a writer would have to say no.  Absolutely not..  It was about time people got told what to think – again..  🙂  The fact is that a vast majority of people need a big company to tell them what is good or bad, and the fact that these people are being told that Multi-Option is good; well that is just great! 

We could all get angry about getting stepped on, or just go with the flow and get some book sales, thanks to a huge entertainment industry publicity campaign.