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Independent Writers

 The Idependent Writer Experience..

Independent Writers Innovate Create Put Themselves In Literature

Inspired independent  writers, we find ourselves with an odd dilemma before us.  We started our noble cause of writing with hopes that our story might touch the hearts and minds of many eager readers.  This may or may not have happened for most of us. 

The percentage of writers who actually make it to the end of their project is unknown, and finishing  and registering a project, is in fact an extraordinary feat – no doubt about it. 

So many things have probably gone wrong during the process, which has probably, left you wondering – how in the heck did I finish it?  In my case this is what happened, seeing my incredible effort finally registered, just waiting to find the eager public.  I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of fans I was going to have.

ISBN – Realms Of Forgotten Worlds

Getting this boring looking number took a monumentous amount of effort. 

It almost didn’t happen.

Finally completed – This phrase went through my head many, many times.  At the same time, I was left wondering where the Editorials and Publishers were..  Wasn’t  it their job to be looking for new talent?  They weren’t there, so I went looking instead.  After a few months, a new and nasty reality started to form before me, which threatened to crush my cheerful feat of finishing an incredibly complex Multi-Option Sci-Fi adventure.  Almost all illusion of joining a powerful publishing club had been crushed, though a sliver of hope still hung on somehow.


A Year Passed…

….. and then a few more months, and that sliver of hope was all but gone, and had been replaced with some distasteful automatic replies, from some well-known publishers.  A few surprisingly did take the time to answer personally, but the message was crystal clear all the same.  It was pretty simple actually, even though I didn’t want to acknowledge it.  Simply put – they didn’t have the time of day for new writers.  If I wasn’t a known author already, then I was going to have to wait or be an independent one.  The independent writer can be summed up in the image below –  it’s not very pretty.

Is There Any Help For New Writers?

That’s the question I know still lingers in the minds of many, and I hear it all the time on Facebook.  I wondered about this as well.  Isn’t intellectual talent supposed to be promoted and encouraged?

So why does it feel as if we are being suppressed in some way?  Strange thinking about it that way, but I have to wonder what in the world is going on.  One thing is for sure though, and that is the fact that many talented writers are being held back, and are not producing.  Is anyone doing anything about it?  I personally haven’t found anyone out there, who offers to lend a helping hand.  There are a lot who offer to take your money though, but that’s ironic, isn’t it?  You’ve just spent a year or more writing a book, so who could expect you to be sitting on a load of cash?  Kind of stupid isn’t it?

There is some real help out there.

As a matter of fact there is, and it’s free.  That’s right – free!  Being a bit skeptical?  Well I don’t blame you since that’s the way many scams start their advertising.  This one is for real though.  So why is it free then?  That’s a very good question, and the truth is that it’s made by a writer – an Independent writer as a matter of fact.  

The hope is to get enough writers, or in this case Sci-Fi writers, so that big editorials and publishers might think twice before rejecting new talent.  It’s kind of like a writing club, but not as Nerdy..  lol  We’re all just tired of being stepped on.

Link is below:

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Your Adventure.  You Decide.

Can a Book be a Game?  The answer is yes, and reading it can be pretty challenging.  You’ll be shocked to see a real book but in a 3D environment, and be even more amazed that it can be re-read again, but with a totally different ending!  

This is the future of reading.  It will be 3D.